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Ignite! Summer 2015 Update

Here at Ignite! we have enjoyed a very busy summer developing the Community Curiosity Labs and Lab_13 Ghana.

Community Curiosity Labs

Over the summer we have been developing our Community Curiosity Labs in the outer Nottingham estate of Strelley. With our partners in Nottingham City Homes, the University of Nottingham and with support from the Big Lottery Fund, we have explored the science questions that young people have brought to us, and celebrated their curiosity.

Lab_13 Africa

We have also been planning our next phase of Lab_13 Ghana in association with the Lightyear Foundation, and thanks to an award from the International Grants programme at the Wellcome Trust. Support will enable us to sustain the first Lab_13 in Ghana at Agape Academy in Bosomtwe District; and open a second Lab_13 in another part of the country. Exciting times as the idea of Lab_13 International could grow from this next phase of development in Africa.

Science Busking at Nottingham Playhouse

This Sunday, 20 September, we will be at the Nottingham Playhouse Open Day from midday doing Science Busking. Come join us and see behind the scenes at the Playhouse, too.

Rick Hall Science Busking (Photo: David Baird)

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