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Come Alive With Science!

Over the past few weeks, secondary schools participating in our CHEMWORKS programme have been delivering their Come Alive With Science projects.

Pupils worked with scientists and creative practitioners to develop their own project about chemistry, which they then delivered to younger pupils as part of British Science Week.

Year 9 pupils from Nottingham Academy delivered hands-on creative science activities to year 5s and 6s, with the support of scientist Laurel Armstrong and artist Rachel Barnett.

Year 9s at Bluecoat Beechdale worked with scientist Sam Tang and artist Chris Lewis-Jones to create installations on the theme of environmental chemistry.

Trinity School
Bluecoat Beechdale Academy

Over at Trinity school, year 9s delivered their Brief History of Science performance to year 7s. With the support of scientist Bryson Gore and artist Julian Hanby, pupils took their audience through the history of science from Newton to Hawking via Darwin and Curie, with lots of exciting explosions and costumes!

Year 7 pupils from Bluecoat Aspley ran workshops on the Science of Sound for year 1 pupils at Bluecoat Primary, which they worked on with artist Betti Copperwood and creative practitioner Graham Elstone.

Nottingham Girls Academy
Bluecoat Aspley Academy

Nottingham Girls Academy year 9 pupils worked with artist Rachel Scanlon and scientist Trina Haldar on a fantastic Science Show complete with experiments, singing and dancing, which they performed to year 7s.

The enthusiasm and confidence of all the pupils involved was impressive to see and shows how a cross-curricular and pupil-directed approach to science education encourages engagement.

Come Alive With Science is part of the CHEMWORKS programme Ignite! coordinates in partnership with Nottingham Trent University. It’s a 5-year programme funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry which seeks to raise interest in chemistry and awareness of chemistry-related careers amongst pupils.

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