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STFC Grant for Nottingham Lab_13 Network

We are very happy to announce that we have received a grant from the Science and Technology Facilities Council to extend the network of Lab_13s in Nottingham!

Three Lab_13s have already been established in Nottingham at Dovecote Primary, Rosehill School and Nethergate Academy and this grant will enable us to establish more! We are particularly focused on working with schools in North Nottingham (areas such as Bulwell, Aspley, Bestwood estates).

Lab_13s are in-school spaces which are dedicated entirely to investigation, innovation and creativity. Management of the lab is the responsibility of the pupil-led Student Management Committee, which includes determining the subject of their scientific investigations, fundraising and the appointment of a Scientist in Residence.

Once established, the Lab_13s will feed into other initiative such as Fun Palaces and The Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity as well as other Lab_13s in London, Finland and Ghana. The launch of the network will be announced at the Real Science in Schools Symposium at the Council House on Thursday 15th February 2018 (register here:

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